Jeandre Gerber

Welcome folks to another episode of “The Road to Artistry“, a podcast focused on providing you the tools and insights needed to live a life where your passion is sustainable.

Today, we’re going to be talking about one of the biggest factors that stands between you and achieving your artistic aspirations – YOU! We all form excuses, we all create “reasons” why we can’t achieve our desired state of living, yet we do nothing to make our desired reality our current reality.

Not entirely your fault either...

The system in which we live in has been set up in such a way that people are forced to exchange their life/time for monetary gains simply to live. Of course, this is necessary.


2/3 of people actively working are dissatisfied with their work while 1/5 of people actively hate their work. This means that roughly 60% of people in any given profession dislike what they do, while roughly 20% of people hate what they do.

These statistics are alarming and explain why so many people are not achieving their desired level of happiness in life. How can you find happiness (artistry) when you do thinks you don’t like?

Yet, here’s where it gets interesting. Most people know what would make them happy, however they lack the visions to see how they could convert their passions into a sustainable revenue stream.

We can’t simply quit our jobs and pursuit a life of an artist. We have NEEDS

Therefore, we can’t just abandon our current reality in pursuit of a new one, we need to find a balance and transition into a new reality.

But there is no TIME!!!

Some of us feel like there simply isn’t enough hours in the day to sustain our current needs and pursuit a life of artistry. However, if you truly analyze your life, you’ll notice that due to the fact that we aren’t truly happy with our current lives…we find “distractors”

We’ve become masters in the ART OF ESCAPISM.

This is why you spend so much playing games, or arguing with strangers on social media posts about political ideas that have no immediate impact on your life. You’re wasting time watching cat videos on Youtube or ranting about a politician that could give two shits about you and your family.

When you truly venture and take honest stock of your life, I’m certain you can identify the DISTRACTORS in your life. For me it was gaming. Once I decided to remove these distractions from my life…suddenly I had plenty of time to pursuit the things that make me happy. This podcast is one of those things that now occupy that time. My music, my writing, my art now has a space in my life and now, for the first time in almost 10 years…it’s started to grow once more.

No more excuses for artistry

We can always try to find excuses for us NOT TO DO SOMETHING but the more time you spend in trying to do that…the longer it will take for you to actually become the object of your desire.

In this podcast, I go through all of the reasons and provide some insight on how you can change your life one step at a time.

Let’s help each other…

For those of you who want to get some accountability and create a system of support for their life of artistry…join my Facebook Group or get in touch with me on my various Social Media channels. Or simply drop a comment below.

Let me know what you’d like me to talk about and I’ll be sure to make future episodes surrounding those topics.

Until Next time and remember, life might get hectic…but there is always Goosfraba!

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