Jeandre Gerber

There are so many times we get caught up in our self that we become blind to the things we should appreciate. And while it might feel we’re drowning in a sea of sorrow, there is much to be happy about. For the sake of merely being alive is miracle enough to experience joy, however, the relativism of our perception makes our understanding of the miracle foreign.

We do not see the beautiful things life gifts us every day. A funny joke, a sweet smile, an embracing kiss – these are all things that bring joy to a dull existence. These are the important things, the things that matter.

However, our dualistic nature can only experience happiness by contrasting our sadness. It only shows us love by contrasting our hate. It only shows us what is sweet by letting us taste bitterness.

And so, within a whirlwind of chaos and harsh moments I wish to simply show my appreciation.

I appreciate this life – for in this life I managed to find you!

I appreciate this moment – for in this moment I am able to turn to you for alleviation (even though sometimes it doesn’t feel like it…I know you’re always in my corner)

I appreciate this situation – because while we’re down and out, we have an opportunity to grow beyond these chains that hold us down

I appreciate all of my lack – because together we can refill our souls and reach for new heights

But above all – I appreciate you – because you have given me more than I could ever repay. You have challenged me more than I could ever be challenged, you have helped me grow far beyond my own capabilities.


And yes – though my history is tainted with failure, it doesn’t define my ability to endure, nor to create, nor to grow, nor to learn from those mistakes.

And with you, a mirror to my own soul – can I see the errors of my own ways. And so, even when I froth at the mouth and flair my nostrils – I appreciate the hardships and sorrows. I appreciate the hurt and pain and desolation – because I know, that in the blink of an eye our world can change, when we stand together – we have the ability to overcome.

And so, I appreciate you for being with me. I see the sacrifice and acknowledge the commitment. I see the pain and my heart goes out. I see the desire and feel the frustration.

Yet know this, and rest assured – that no matter what – I will walk besides you, hold your hand, fight for your honor, listen to your wise counsel (even if it seems I don’t), appreciate your input and rely on you…my partner…to be with me to the end…because as I chose you…you chose me and together we are bound for the rest of our lives.

We as particles are entangled – for better or worse. Our waveform might be on a downward slope….but believe the words streaming into your consciousness – a waveform is not stagnant, our fates are not set in stone.

The past does not define the future, only the present has that power. And while we learn from the past, we must also recognize that our moment of NOW defines our moment of tomorrow. And so, for my past mistakes I ask for forgiveness [and I know they are beyond measurement] and for my future mistakes I also ask for mercy [because as a fallible man…there will be plenty to come].

However, in my NOW – I simply say – I love you, I love you, I love you. You are worthy of love and light and laughter, and freedom, and happiness, and goodness, and beauty [which you possess in great amounts] and intelligence, and opportunity, and everything good this life has to offer.

If there is one thing I could ask…I ask only this…To give thanks for all the blessings in my life. To give thanks for my Greatest Appreciation – And that is none other….than you!

