Jeandre Gerber

fastingHey folks,

Today I’m completing my third day of fasting with the purpose of significantly advancing my personal and professional projects.

Today it was a bit more difficult since last night I had a terrible time trying to fall asleep. It was either the pillow or something but I simply couldn’t dose off into the sweet embrace of slumber.

In addition to waking up late, I had a lot of work related projects I needed to finish but nonetheless I managed to significantly boost my website. Although my website is more of a portal where I showcase my work, thoughts, art and so forth, I think it is important to also dedicate time to make it as engaging as possible. Especially because I am going to be releasing Freebies on this website in the near future.

I am a content creator, and fasting is a way of accessing wisdom deep within my soul.

How Fasting helped me today

I noticed that my creativity increased a bit today. I managed to produce new original ideas without any trouble. I made a new meme that did quite well, incorporated some more technical aspects of my website and so forth.

Mostly, my procrastination diminished significantly.

Where I failed my Fasting

Today I did not manage to meditate. I was so tired the entire day, and without my beloved coffee to give me the boost I needed, I felt that the moment I closed my eyes to drift into the depth of my own soul would only result in me sleeping.

Thus for today I did not meditate. Tomorrow I’ll give it more time and dedicate a space of my day to explore the deepest regions of my spirit. I find that meditating really helps keep the cravings at bay.


So far so good…

I feel I will achieve most of the goals I set out this week, and as I finish my Digital Product, I will begin working on marketing it and so forth. I really think people will like the product I’m developing. It implements all my professional secrets to creating killer content for my clients and I hope it will help others achieve the same results.

I’ll let you guys know more about it as I complete the product.


For now, simply sign up to my newsletter in order to get the early bird specials I’ll deliver and I am planning on giving away an awesome Freebie for those who sign up. That should come sometime next week.

Thanks to those who are reading this and now, as you can see, you can comment with your Facebook accounts. So why not give it a try and comment on this post.


Happy Soul Traveling people! I’ll be back with more Fasting news tomorrow!
