Jeandre Gerber

The Box Detox is 35-minute destressing breathwork designed to reduce stress & anxiety, help manage pain symptoms, and remain clear-headed in high-stress situations. Box Breathing, which utilizes symmetrical breathing and breath holds – helps shift the body from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system. This is associated with rest and digest.

Sometimes it can be difficult to unwind and detach from a stressful situation. This state of extended alertness has a negative impact on decision making and typically makes one ‘react’ to situations as opposed to calmly, make the appropriate responses to remedy the situation.

The Box Detox is a short yet powerful session that will help you calm the storm, and regain mental clarity. Incorporated with binaural beats, the session ends in a highly resourceful Alpha State.

If you feel like you’re going to have a panic attack – this breath can help you.

