Jeandre Gerber

The Vowel Breath is a Powerful Transpersonal Breathwork Session that opens you up and allows you to connect to the core essence of your being. Similar to other transpersonal sessions – in that we use the 1-1-2 breathwork pattern – the Vowel Breath utilizes the phonetic vowels of the alphabet on the exhales. A-E-I-O-U.

While a simple exhalation could be more than enough to induce transpersonal states, the addition of the vowels quickens the process significantly due to the fact that the breather utilizes the vibration generated by the voice to allow for deeper expression.

As with all transpersonal breathwork sessions, it’s important to understand how the body and mind might respond. You can read about that here.

If you are in the need to have a breakthrough and have tried many different breathwork routines before – this 40-minute session will definitely allow you to reach new heights.



25 min of Vowel Breathing

15 Mins of Silent Meditation


