Jeandre Gerber

transpersonal breathwork, breathwork, jeandre gerber, full breathwork sessionThe “Like Gliders in the Storm”  breathwork session was created after I polled my Telegram Group – dubbed The Pulmonauts – for what theme they wanted for the Thunderbreath Thursday I host on Zoom every week.

With a perfect split between the idea of “Power” and the idea of “Peace” – my mind started wondering what that could mean for a deeply profound breathwork exercise.


And so “Like Gliders in the Storm” was born – a play on The Door’s “Riders on the Storm”. Even though this breathwork has nothing to do with the song, everytime you read or say “Like Gliders in the Storm” I can almost guarantee you’ll begin hearing that infamous organ trilling off into the infinite void of your unconscious-mind.

Nonetheless – don’t let the name fool you. This is not a breathwork routine for just anybody. If this is the first time you are attempting to do transpersonal breathwork – please READ THIS FIRST!

Since my fellow Pulmonauts and I are always trying to push our boundaries within our deep personal exploration of self – I decided to mix up something unique.

Type of Breathwork Pattern: Transpersonal (1-1-2)

In this breathwork meditation, we’ll be engaging with transpersonal breathwork. This is also known as the 1-1-2 pattern, shamanic breathwork, numinous breathing and much more.

In this particular meditation, we’re pairing it with three breathholds in between each breathwork sequence. The first Transpersonal breathwork pattern will be the slowest, but will have a longer duration in time. The second breathwork pattern will be more intense but will have a shorter duration.

Finally, the third breathwork pattern is very intense – be sure to go at your own pace, the audio is just for guidance – but will have the shortest duration.

After each sequence, there is a breathhold/cooldown period that lasts for roughly one minute and a half to two minutes. This is enough time for you to reset your heartbeat, relax – allow yourself to prepare for the next more intense round.

The music and sound effects will guide you throughout the entire process.

Seeing that there aren’t binaural beats, you can do this breathwork on speakers.

Concept: Experience the Power of a Mighty Storm and the Peace it leaves behind

There is nothing that quite balances the idea of Peace and Power like that of a Raging Storm.

A mighty storm is both ominous yet provides a sense of comfort and peace once passed. With this breathwork meditation, you will simulate the entire passing of a mighty storm while opening up your Creative Unconscious to experience it in ways that are relevant and important only to you. 

Once the storm has passed, you’ll be gently ushered into 30-minutes of calm meditative music, allowing your creating unconscious to simply relax & let go, showing you a new depth of inner peace.


Go ahead and purchase the Full Breathwork Experience Right Now!

Listen to your body when it comes to breathwork

One final thing! This particular breathwork session is quite challenging and you may not be able to keep up with the pace.

That’s okay!

The sound effects are only meant to be a guide to those who get lost during the meditation – it happens to the best of us! And so, the pace is only there as a means of you to follow along, but if you can’t match the same pace as the recording – simply follow your own pace. Tune out the sound effects and simply focus in on the music and in on your own breath.

Imagine that the sound effects are other people breathing doing their session with you. It makes it easier to turn off those types of ambient sounds.

Anyhow, you are the one that is taking the lead on this – so if you feel like you need to stop at any point. Do so!

You don’t have to finish this session today, you can train your way up to these intense experiences.

Just take it slow and steady and you’ll get there pulmonaut!

Good luck and Keep on Breathing!
