Jeandre Gerber

“Crossing the Threshold” is about leaving behind that which no longer serves you and making space for new and beneficial things to enter into your life. What makes this particular breathwork session so powerful is that it was created under the power of the “Strawberry Super Moon” – which is essentially the first Full Moon of Summer. It’s a moment of transition between one season and another, a shift into new “summer energies”.

Utilizing this as the inspiration behind this meditation session, you will be guided using The Vortex Breath with a pattern (4I-4H-4R) or 4-seconds inhale, 4-seconds hold, and 4-seconds release. As with the nature of the Vortex breath, there will be alternating patterns.


  1. Inhale through nose
  2. Exhale through mouth
  3. Inhale through mouth
  4. Exhale through Nose

This is the basics of the Vortex Breath which helps balance conscious and unconscious processes. You should begin to feel a lot of activity in your forehead where people commonly place the “third eye”. This will allow you to connect to your breath, let go of invading thoughts and enter into a deep trance-like state.

At about the halfway mark of the meditation, you’ll be prompted to cross the river.

Crossing the River & Leaving the Past Behind

This meditation is divided into 2 sections. The first part is a ramp-up of intention, bringing you to the river that stands between what is to come and what is done. By crossing this river, both in mind, body, and spirit – you will let go of the energies and thoughts that keep you locked into old energy signatures and will allow the new blessings to flow.


Perfect to be done on Full Moon Energy!


