Jeandre Gerber

The “Cosmic Bliss” is a powerful transpersonal breathwork session that lasts for 1-full hour. Beautifully mixed with Hang Drum music & minimal instruction, this breathwork session will help you release pent up energy and stuck emotions.

The track also contains a specialized binaural beat sequence that will guide your mind from high alpha frequencies down to low Theta frequencies – often associated with lucid dreaming & deep meditation. End of at 8Hz.

The Cosmic Breath is one of the more “intense” breathwork sessions, similar to The Grateful Breath and it is advised to read the Breathwork 101 Article. This will prepare you adequately for the best experience possible.

These transpersonal sessions are a favorite by the Pulmonauts who join us every Thursday at “Thunder-Breath Thursdays!

The breathwork pattern we will be using is a 1-1-2 Transpersonal Pattern meaning we’ll be taking in two short inhalations followed by a longer exhalation. As the instructions in the audio will dictate, “Belly, Chest – Release”.

This is the basic pattern.

A short inhalation into the diaphragm or the “belly” or “lower back”, followed by a quick inhalation into the chest – finally, a simple release of the breath for double the duration of an inhalation.

There are no breath holds and if you feel the need to slow down during this exercise – please listen to your body above all. You can incorporate your own breathholds as you see fit.


**Please do not attempt this if you suffer from seizure disorders or are pregnant.

