Jeandre Gerber


We are gathered here today to say goodbye to a dear old friend, a companion, and more than often – a royal pain in the ass – MY OPINION

What can I say, it’s not everyday that people become aware of the hyper-emotional, intellectually-detached drivel spilling out of the mouth like verbal diarrhea. It’s far simpler to believe our own bullshit and assume that our reality filters are the only reality filters and that if people don’t see it our way – THEY CAN GO FUCK THEMSELVES!

Of course – it’s very important to have a position on anything worthwhile in-life; to know where you ‘stand’ on certain things. However, what is ‘worthwhile’ can easily get lost in the subjectivity of the individual experience. Especially if one is detached from the “Whole” of humanity. The “Pan” in pandemic.

As we continue to deepen our understanding of the fractal self – the thought of us definitively knowing something is comforting. It acts as a road map to our “resonance-identity” or the sum of all of our internal-selfs – the WHO we are RIGHT NOW!

Yet all of these “reality-pins” are subjectively created and sustained only by ourselves- irrespective of “what everybody else thinks”. More importantly – unless we have a direct impact on the events – What “WE THINK” about it is truly irrelevant.

Perhaps the opinion – at least to the digital self – acts as a means of shaping a Digi-ethereal body of concepts and boundaries –  “I believe…therefore I AM!

Since the digital self is a lonely self, isolated from the somatic experience, it utilizes Opinion as a means of “connection”. It expresses its “emotions” via opinion screaming at the top of its lungs, “PLEASE VALIDATE MY EXISTENCE!”

However – with all of this SCREAMING there is no space to listen and observe. There is no room for connection. You either scream in unison, or drown in the Chorus of Deaf & Nearsightedness – locked in a pocket dimension of your own creation. Holding the key to escape your isolation but incapable of finding the keyhole to let yourself out. 

This is because you can’t send a robot to do a human’s job…


If I want to harness true power from my words & thoughts and inspire lasting change – I must first transcend into the FIELD OF INFINITE POSSIBILITIES

This can only be done through the sacrificial act of admitting that – What I think I know is based solely on my subjective experience of life which allows my current way of thinking to exist.

When one understands that if you were to “live the life of another person” – their opinions, beliefs and justifications would be just as valid as your own – even on the complete opposite spectrum of what you currently maintain as your “belief system” or BS for short.

We have to consider that – “If I always attempt to make the best decisions for my own well-being” that this would be true for other people as well.

Very few folk engage in acts of deliberate-self destruction. In the vast majority of cases – “self-preservation” is the main motivator behind most of our thoughts, moods and behavior.

This makes you wonder whether all dichotomous conflict are merely two sides of the same coin. 

If this is the case – then expressing opinion is an act that has no intrinsic value to influence the perceived conflict. It is the quintessential act of farting against thunder.


In order to truly make an impact – I cannot engage in Digital Shit-flinging by re-posting the opinions of others and wearing it as “masks” to signal the world – “I think like this too”.

Yea? So-Fucking-what?

Does you knowing what I think change anything about the situation? Did it influence the way you act and behave? Did your opinion shift after an anger-fueled Twitter or Facebook battle about some shit that you have zero influence over?

In all likeliness – the only effect obtained from the exchange is that now you and the other person are left with the bitter after-taste when anger and passion meets the “inability to do anything about it”.

All you managed to do was intensify your negative emotional charge which now you have to carry around like a custom-fit ball and chain siphoning vitality and contaminating the good things in your life.

If we don’t break the cycle and “Deep-Art” our opinions – we will only cultivate more of what we hate because “what you resists, persists” might be annoying-AF – it is only annoying because it is true.

“Deep-Arting” your opinion means that you don’t “react” to situations, you take your time to carefully “digest your feelings” and transmute it into something that can communicate at a “higher-level”. In fact, when you take that passion, intensity and emotion and direct it towards creating a genuine work of art you transcend “opinion” and capture the “essence” of it all.

A Genuine work of art can never be false, nor can it be discredited through the lapse of time, for it does not represent an opinion but rather the thing itself.

– Arthur Schopenhauer

Fuck Opinions!

If more people focused their time & energy on creating reality-bending works/acts through the wide range of creative ways of expression available to us – the world would undergo a swift yet powerful transformation towards deeper harmonic resonance.

We would quickly realize that our actions, intention and attention fuels the very concepts we wish to banish from our existence.

Everywhere you look, you see what you’re looking for…

Ram Dass

However – by filtering this raw emotion through the process of creation, you purify the meaning and communicate to the “higher consciousness” that lives within us.

It allows those who view/experience your art – a brief moment to “see/feel/hear/read” from your perspective. It allows them – even for the briefest of moments – to live a moment as you.

No longer do you need to intellectually untangle the host of ‘reality filters’ that inhibit a person from “seeing things as you do” – but rather bypass the belief system [BS] and access the superposition of the fractal self in others.

Whether the “digital self” or the automaton within us agrees or disagrees with the presented “Art” – it is irrelevant. The higher self has already integrated this new position into the realm of possibilities and fundamental internal change has already occurred.

When you “Deep-Art” your opinion – the need for convincing or arguing fades away. This is replaced with a DEEP DESIRE to create more powerful, larger-than-life, works that go beyond the trivialities of segregated conflict and rather addresses the fundamentals of what it means to be human. To be alive.

And so – with a light heart I smother my opinion with loving-kindness until its frantic contortions cease indefinitely.

May this sacrificial act signal a deepening of my art allowing it to inspire others to “Deep Art” their opinions as well. All with the hopes of bridging the space and removing the dichotomy from the Whole – even if only for a brief moment. 

The next time you get angry or passionate about anything in particular – why not attempt to create something new with it. Instead of lazily regurgitating the works of others and sprinkling it with some of “your unique insight” – why not gift the world with your own flavor of originality we all so desperately crave.

– J. F. Gerber

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